Ermine Frosting Recipe

Creamy ermine frosting comes by boiling milk, flour, sugar, and butter. Despite being less sweet than buttercream, its whipped texture and rich flavor enhance red velvet cakes and cupcakes! 

– 1 cup granulated sugar (200 grams) – ¼ cup all-purpose flour spooned & leveled (32 grams) – ¼ teaspoon salt – 1 cup whole milk (240 ml) – 1 cup unsalted butter softened (230 grams) – 1 ½ teaspoons pure vanilla extract



In a medium saucepan, mix flour, salt, and sugar. Stir milk slowly. Stir constantly over medium heat until pudding-like.


Scrape pan sides and bottom with rubber spatula. This may take 15 minutes. Mix ingredients in a large heat-safe bowl. 


Use plastic to cool it to room temperature to avoid skin. Chill mixture for fastest outcomes. Mix butter at room temp. To a paddle-attached stand mixer or large handheld mixer, add softened butter.


Lightly foam butter for 4–5 minutes. Before adding to the medium-speed mixer, fully blend each heaping tablespoon of cooked flour mixture.


Add vanilla extract to flour and beat on medium speed for 2–3 minutes until thick and creamy. This should be whipped cream. Spatula puffs.


Also See: 

Strawberry Pound Cake Recipe